Monday, July 19, 2010

Can chocolate realy be good for you?

The answer to that would be a resounding YES! I have my own home based business (XOCAI) I have my own story but I would love to here yours.


  1. Hi Scott,
    I find that I can eat dark chocolate, which has some good things in it which are beneficial to your health. Fortunately I am one of those people who still has the " I had enough signal " with any food, maybe because I eat mostly healthy food, especially the ones without the High Fructose Corn Syrup(HFCS).

    Looking forward to reading some of your posts.

    To your Success

  2. Hi Scott,

    Unlike Yorinda I seem to have been brought into this world without the shut off button - LOL! Of course I do love chocolate, who doesn't right?

    I've heard of your business and think it's really cool that somebody has found a way to make this delectable treat healthy. Would be interested to hear about the calorie content of your product.

  3. I would like to tell you all that we now have a weight loss system. and its based in the high antioxidant chocolate and way protein. Just a another way to help others. Kathy please visit my wed page you will find all the answers you may need there.
